Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, or QHHT, is a beautiful way to journey into your own subconscious and connect to your past lives and at the same time, uncover the root cause of your own discomfort. Through this technique, you will access a part of yourself that holds all the answers. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, or the Super Conscious. With QHHT®, you can have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are — and to ultimately create change within yourself.
The QHHT Session requires a minimum of 4 hours. The first two hours are composed of an informal interview and the second two hours are the hypnosis portion of the experience. Please make sure you available 4 hours from your day to before you schedule your session.
QHHT is a great tool for:
Self Discovery
Answers to ailments, dis-eases, diagnosis and more.
Psychosomatic ailments. Negative thinking that effects your own health and well-being.
Personal blocks
Feelings of being ‘stuck’
Overcoming fear
Heavy emotions
Insight to bad habits and how to break them
Insight to physical discomfort and healing
Improve personal growth
Increase your awareness
Improve relationships
Insight on your path and purpose
What steps are you supposed to take next along your journey
Soul Retrieval and healing
Dream healing
Chakra evaluation
Grievance and healing
Akashic Records and Review
Spiritual awakening and growth
and a lot more!
Quantum Healing Hypnosis appointment is divided into two parts, the session and the interview. These are done back-to-back with a short break in between. It is recommended that you clear the day so that you are not rushed by outside distractions.Â
The QHHT Session Includes:
- One to one Interview and discussion 2 hours
- Past Life regression session and healing approximately 2 hours
- Audio Recording of your session
- The session is recorded and shared with the client.
- It is recommended to save to your recording and to listen to your recording, as it is a part of the healing, as it has important information from the session.