Family Overlay Reading

We can think of someone’s birth name as the cake of their life because it represents the core essence of who they are in the current lifetime and this never changes.

In this metaphor, the effect of overlay names on a client’s birth name are like different flavors of icing placed on top of the cake. They change the flavor of the cake and infuse themselves into it, creating a richer more mature taste. But the core essence of the cake (the individual) still remains the same.

Overlays can either accelerate a client’s personal growth, have little effect at all or actually hinder their growth.

When the soul selects the birth name, it also sets up contracts with other souls to create the optimal overlays that it will require for its growth during the
incarnation. This includes parents, family, friends, co-workers, and children. Thee soul contract energies sit in your field in the form of a karmic matrix.

The matrix radiates out to the reality the type of experience you have chosen to experience.

As you work out through the different aspects of your contract the associated matrix
gradually dissolves. The matrix also links you to every key individual you are to have an interaction with in the lifetime. It also attracts to you other secondary individuals who will fulfill parts of your soul contract.


The Overlay Family Reading Includes a reading
up to 12 Names.

  • All names you have used, excluding nick names, through time.
  • Partners/spouses birth names.Their known name if the birth name is not available.
  • Parents birth names.
  • Any other people who have had a significant influence on your life e.g. birth names of teachers, mentors, children.

Content on this page is based on “SOUL CONTRACT READING TRAINING Level 2 Manual” by Nicolas David Ngan